Drawing inspiration from the artist’s personal encounters during military service as a photojournalist and propagandist, the collection serves as his contemplation on the notion of “War Images in Korea” in the near potential future.
This collection of 36 slide images, displayed via an Analog Carousel, seeks to challenge the nuanced dynamics involved in shaping images into representations of security. Forged through the amalgamation of AI-generated imagery, the E-6 slide film process, and the nostalgic charm of a traditional slide carousel projector, this series delves into the relationship between propaganda, fear, and security, providing an immersive exploration of the complexities surrounding war.

War Images in Korea
Photographic Sequence, Total 36 Slides
Mixed Media - Kodak Ektachrome, Slide Mounts, Kodak Slide Carousel, Stable-DiffusionXL, Upscaly.

2023 - Ryan Oh